TIMS Introduction Training Events Overview

 1. Background

The inception of Local Roads Bridge Programme (LRBP) has come from the understanding that one of the major causes of rural poverty in Nepal is lack of access to the markets and service centres due to the absence of adequately maintained local roads and bridges connecting them. Without the reliable motorable crossings on the rivers, people living in the area are not able to get maximum benefit from the roads constructed and also the investments made in roads are not fully utilized. Therefore, this project LRBP is started with an aim to improve the living conditions of local people by facilitating them with better access and improved mobility. The Government of Nepal initiated the Local Roads Bridge Programme (LRBP) with the support from the Government of Switzerland. It has expected two main outcomes as follows: Outcome 1: ‘People have improved access to services and opportunities’ and Outcome 2: ‘National institutions adopt appropriate local bridge strategy’.

In order to address the gaps in current capacities of different stakeholders at different levels, LRBP develops its Capacity Building Strategy for the entire phase of the programme. Capacity building, it is often synonymised as training, which is not always the answer to poor performance. Hence LRBP capacity building programme does not only comprise of training only but includes a number of other support measures in the form of technical advisory services for e.g. technical standards and norms development, curriculum review; financial support in introducing specialised equipments and disseminate methods of applications (e.g. drill rig, bored piles in casing, heavy anchors, false- work and formworks); conducting courses for engineering students to produce qualified bridge engineers etc.

LRBSU approach for Capacity Building 

2. Training Information management System (TIMS)

With the main goal ‘People in the programme districts have improved livelihoods’, the Local Roads Bridge Programme (LRBP) is being executed by DoLIDAR/ MFALD with the support and Technical Assistance from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ( SDC ).

In the context of the Programme, the Local Road Bridge Support Unit (LRBSU) has been providing the support to the LRBP. LRBP focuses to achieve its outcomes by strengthening capacities of major stakeholders involved in the sector at various levels. There are three major stakeholders that LRBP has identified to work together and build their capacities based on the needs. They are central government, local government and private sectors. 

LRBP intends to automate and manage the Capacity Building Programs in order to provide an efficient flow of training information with a web enabled tool called Training Information Management System (TIMS). The objective behind it is to provide a single window access to specific capacity building information and its administration by the DoLIDAR, DDC/DTO, partner training institutes and other stakeholders. The Portal attempts to provide comprehensive, accurate, reliable and one stop source of information about various training programs being offered under LRBP.

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Training Events Summary

Training Participants Summary